KS2 Parents

Dear KS2 Parents/Guardians,

We are all set up and ready to go! Classwork should hit work stations at 9 am tomorrow. Judging from the online activity there are some eager beavers out there, we hope this enthusiasm keeps up!

There are 2 areas within Google Classroom: the Stream where pupils can comment/chat with each other and Classwork where assignments are posted.

We have worked hard to keep the process and instructions as clear as possible,  work is in the main, a continuation of what pupils have been doing and are familiar with. This will hopefully make things easier for everyone. Everything that is needed is included as attachments, as we have no idea who has what books in school bags.

On Friday we produced and uploaded to the Stream our own “Google Classroom User Guide” in the form of a Google slideshow, with screen shots of steps to follow. Pupils all have access to the full suite of Goggle Apps through their My School Log in.

We expect there may be hitches to start with, but pupils have all experience of using Google Classroom and this is a good opportunity to practice independence and thinking skills. We will monitor and make adjustments if needed as we go along.

Whilst this may be a novelty with pupils, we are all too fully aware that in the grand scheme of things, school work isn’t high on anyone’s agenda at the moment. So please Parents/Guardians don’t stress over this, (it may prove to be a useful distraction), we want you, your children and wider families to be safe, that is and has to be the first priority.

Lastly, we are forever grateful to the Parents, friends and wider community who assisted and supported our ICT fund raising a number of years ago, your support at that time has placed us in the position we are today, ready and able  to launch this approach to teaching and learning.

Keep safe and well,

God Bless

P Mulkerns, C Crawley, P Mc Coy K Mc Ardle