Sister Elizabeth’s Visit

DSCN2704 for webOn Friday last we had our annual visit from Sr. Elizabeth Wall the  Religious Diocesan Advisor for the Armagh Diocese Primary Schools. She visited P1 +P2 Classes as well as the Sacramental Year Groups, P4 and P7.

Sister Elizabeth was delighted with the pupils’ responses to her stories and questions, she remarked on their beautiful art work, singing of their R.E. songs and their music. She asked that all Pupils are given  tonight of homework as reward for their hard work over the year!!

Well done everyone.


P7 Instrumental Group delighted Sr. Elizabeth by playing the piece they are performing at their Confirmation on the 19th of May.
P7 Instrumental Group delighted Sr. Elizabeth by playing the piece they are performing at their Confirmation on the 19th of May.

If you would like to learn more about the role of the Diocesan Advisors follow the link below: