YCT Presentations

Yesterday we were delighted to welcome back 33 former pupils with their Secondary School Principals and teachers to receive certificates for the YCT Level 1, which they sat in their P7 year.

The YCT is an international standardised test of proficiency in Mandarin, set by Hanban, the Department of Education, China.  It assesses students’ abilities to use Mandarin through demonstrating their ability to understand and use some of the most common Mandarin phrases and sentences. The test is made up of two components, writing and speaking.

We are delighted to report that St. Mary’s students under the instruction of Mr Wan Li our Confucius Institute, Mandarin tutor, scored very highly on their papers, in fact well beyond the required pass mark!

Congratulations everyone, we were delighted to see you all again and hope that your experience of learning Mandarin at St Mary’s will promote a life long, love of languages.