🎄 Events this Week 🎄

A busy week ahead… we’ll be walking back and forth to venues, so please everyone bring coats with hoods.

🎄 TUESDAY: Miss Mc Ardle’s P5 Class Nativity, “Christmas Stars,” in the Chapel

@ 10 am for the school audience, again @ 7 pm for Parents.

🎄 WEDNESDAY: P1/P2 Production “Boogie, Woogie Nativity” in Ti Chulainn

@ 10 am for the school audience, again @ 7 pm for Parents

🎄THURSDAY: Nursery Class Production @ 9:45 am in School Assembly Hall for Parents. 

Miss Hughes’s and Mr Mc Coy’s P5 Groups  Nativity, “Christmas Stars,” in the Chapel

@1:30 pm for the school audience, again@ 7pm for Parents

Traditional Christmas Dinner served.

🎄 Friday: Christmas Jumper Day– £1/child, £2/ family, donations.