☘☘Green Day- Funds Raised☘☘

We are delighted to report that we raised a WHOPPING £768.50 through our recent Green Day. Thank you to everyone who made a donation whether big or small. The money has been passed to Fr Emlyn to combine with that, which has been raised in the Parish, in aid of Ukraine.

At this time we remember all those affected by war across the world, but particulary in Ukraine, and we pray:

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.
