Board Of Governors

Dear Parents/ Guardians

Following the nomination stage for the Governor’s Post of elected parent representative I can confirm that we have 5 parent nominations.

The next steps in the process are as follows:

  1. The Parents/ Guardians will be informed of the number of nominees.
  2. The nominees will be contacted and asked to prepare details of skills and experience and include a personal statement about why the individual wishes to be a parent governor.
  3. Each eligible parent will receive in the post one numbered ballot paper together with each candidate’s information. A final date for the return of votes will be indicated and candidates invited to scrutinise the count.
  4. Voting may not be by proxy.
  5. All ballots should be returned to the main school office where they will be placed in a sealed ballot box.
  6. Following the closing of the election on the date for the return of all votes at a specific time all candidates will be invited to witness the opening of the ballot box. Tellers will be appointed from among the teaching staff who are ineligible to vote, and the count will take place.
  7. A simple majority should determine the successful candidate.
  8. In the event of a tie a second ballot should be held – only candidates with the same number of votes should be involved in this ballot.
  9. If a further ballot also produces a tie, the result may be determined by lot.