Article 12 of The United Nations Convention, on the Rights of the Child, 1989 states that:
“Children should be given the opportunity to voice their opinions and to have those opinions taken into account on any issues relevant to them”
At St. Mary’s we believe that through participation on Our School Council pupils are provided the opportunity to :
- Become more active participants in their education
- Help to build upon and improve our school community
- Make a difference in their school, neighbourhood and community
- Develop skills for adult life
- Learn from an early age to balance their rights as individuals with their responsibilities to others
The School Council meets regularly and is made up of democratically elected pupils from Year Groups P4 to P7 –
2 boys and 2 girls from each year group represent the pupil voice and make decisions on all aspects of school life. These children also speak with Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils to collect their opinions and bring these to the School Council Meetings.
The School Council communicates with all partners in our School Community thorough the following means:
- School Council Noticeboard- located in the main school foyer
- School Council led Assemblies
- Meetings between School Council Members, school staff and /or governor representatives
- School Website
Members of the School Council elect an Executive Committee, which has 4 main jobs or offices.
- The Chairperson
- The Vice Chairperson
- The Secretary
- The Treasurer
Click on our School Council Blog to meet this year’s representatives and find out more about their roles and ideas.