International Links

imageFor over thirteen years now St Mary’s has been involved in a series of projects working alongside pupils and staff in schools in Ireland, The UK, Europe and Asia. It all began with,

European Project 1  a Comenius project in 2004 when we partnered with schools in Finland, Germany, Poland and French Martinique. At this time all communication between the partners was by telephone or snail mail. Since then we have moved with the advances in technology and have used email, blogging and more recently a Virtual Learning Environment (Dissolving European Boundaries).

European Project 2 involved partner schools in The Basque Country, Finland, Turkey, Sicily and St Mary’s. We worked alongside the AmmA Centre, Armagh training in Digital Storytelling.

European Project 3 “Blogging in Europe” saw us working with old partners and new on a Blogging platform where children could share and see each other’s work on common themes. Partners included The Basque Country, Poland, Czech Republic, Loch an Iuir, Donegal and St Mary’s.

European Project 4 “Dissolving European Boundaries” saw the creation of a Virtual Learning Platform which included areas for Blogging, Forums and storage of completed shared activities.

All this was made possible through European funding Comenius and Erasmus+ secured through joint applications with partners.

International Project 1 – China 2016 /2017

St Mary’s joined with ten schools from across Northern Ireland Primary and Post Primary, Controlled and Maintained to send and host teachers from Hunan Province, China.

The partnership formed with our Northern Ireland partners through the Connecting Classrooms China project continues to date with preparation for a Connecting Classrooms project with Nepal.

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