🙏🏻🌼First Holy Communion🙏🏻🌼

Today we celebrated the First Holy Communion class of St Mary’s for 2023. 
We here at the school are extremely proud of the 61 boys and girls who received the Sacrament today. You were all magnificent in carrying out your role in the mass, which you did with great reverence. Each of you looked marvellous and should be extremely proud of yourselves as you enjoy celebrating this evening.

Our thanks to you, the families, for your support in preparing your child for this special day.

We would also like to give a massive thanks to Fr Emlyn for both Masses and for his guidance in helping us to prepare for this special day. Thanks also to Mary Larkin for all her help in making the chapel look beautiful. We are truly grateful.

Finally, a HUGE thank you to the wonderful pupils and of our school – the communicants, choir and altar servers. You truly do never settle for less than your best! 
We hope you all enjoy celebrating over the weekend and stay safe over the week off ahead. We look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday, 30th May

Miss Murphy & Miss McDonnell