Children’s Mental Health Week- Day 3


Last weekend’s “Big Garden Bird Watch”, gave us all plenty of opportunity here at St. Mary’s to get outside. Not only did we immerse ourselves in nature, we also expressed ourselves” through: creating bird feeders, taking photographs, drawing and recording what we saw!

We know why we spend time outdoors in nature:

  • It builds our confidence- The way we play in nature is more informal and less structured than most of our indoor play.
  • It promotes our creativity and imagination.  We can think more freely, design our own activities, and approach the world in inventive ways.
  • It teaches us responsibility. When we take care of the living parts of our environment we learn what happens when we forget to water a plant, or pull a flower out by its roots.
  • It provides us with different stimulation. We activate all our senses: we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch in outdoor environments.
  • It gets us moving. Interacting with nature involves more exercise than sitting on our couch!
  • It makes us think. The phenomena that occur naturally in our gardens and fields make us ask questions about the earth and the life that it supports.
  • It reduces our stress and helps our Mental Health. 

               So, what are you waiting for? Be like us and GET OUTSIDE!