Abbey Grammar School- Transition Day

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have been asked to share the information below with Parents of those P7 boys transferring to The Abbey CBS. (The boys were also given a note to take home today with the information.)

Unfortunately their Transition Day clashes with our Leavers’ Mass which takes place at 1pm in St Mary’s Church. I spoke with the Abbey and they are aware and have said that the boys can be collected earlier to ensure they are back in time for Mass if they wish to attend.

Miss Mulkerns


Abbey CBS Transition Day 22nd June 9am – 1pm.


Abbey CBS are very much looking forward to welcoming our new Year 8 students to their Transition Day on Thursday 22nd June. Students are invited to take the bus to school and are very much encouraged to do so. Mrs Elmore will be at Newry Bus Depot to accompany any students to school, using the link bus. Students should be at Newry Bus Depot for 8:40am. All other students should arrive at Abbey CBS no later than 9am. Students are reminded to wear their Primary School Uniform. Complimentary lunch will be provided on the day. We ask parents to pick up their son’s at 1pm and to kindly remain outside the school building until they are released.

Please note any student attending should bring their medication (EpiPens / inhalers) with them on the day.


Mrs Elmore