Anti- Bullying Week- Day 1


Anti-Bullying Week is happening in our school this week.

This year the theme is:  Change Starts With Us. We heard at Assembly on Friday that ….

Even a small change can make a big difference.

Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person, bullying can have a significant impact on someone’s life. By each of us making small, simple changes, we can help break this cycle and create a happier, safer environment for everyone… 

This year’s motto is:

Change starts here.
Change starts now.
Change starts with us.

We ask Parents to Watch this year’s video campaign message, (link below), shown at Assembly on Friday. Pupils have been asked to think about small changes they can make and to pledge to make changes, so that together we can make a big difference. We will tell you more about activities we are working on as the week goes on… Watch this space 😀