The children from the Irish Dancing club had great fun last week celebrating World Book Day and St Patrick’s day by wearing green and dressing up as their favourite character. Below are some pictures of the children looking great and full of smiles.
Just a reminder about tomorrows dancing class, Friday 23rd of March that parents are more than welcome to come to the last 15 minutes of the session, as I would like to display to you how hard the children have worked since the club began. This will end the Irish Dancing club for this term as next Friday 30th March, the school will be off on Easter break. Dancing will recommence after Mid Term on Friday 13th April. Times are as follows for tomorrow:
P.1 – P.3 – 2:45PM
P.4 – P.7 – 3:45PM
Also can I remind parents to pack a drink for their child or children as it is thirsty work!
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Miss White