Jim Devine Tickets!!

Jim Devine in concert

Parents / Guardians,

We thank you for your continued support for our I.C.T Fundraising Initiative. To date we have raised over £10,000 and for once we can look at new I.C.T resources and think we could actually purchase that!!

Our next big event is just around the corner, on Friday the 19th June when country sensation and The Voice finalist, Jim Devine will play the Silverbridge Resource Centre, preceded and followed by a disco!

We are asking for your assistance with the sale of tickets and promotion of this event, we hope to see as many parents, past parents and friends of the school there as possible. It is sure to be another great night, and one not to be missed, (remember “Come Dine With Me”!!!)

Tomorrow the oldest child in each family will be given an envelope containing 2 tickets, we would like you to have first refusal before the date and information hits the local papers, as we expect demand for tickets to be high among his many followers.

Tickets are allocated 2 /family by ticket number, so we have a record of who has what tickets in the case of tickets going missing in the bottom of school bags, we know how reliable children are at delivering notes!!

Additional tickets are available from the school and we would appreciate your support in spreading the word to the wider school community and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support, the first of our big purchases with the money we have raised to date, is currently in the pipe line, a projector and pull down screen for the Assembly Hall. This will be a huge improvement on our current situation allowing us to have whole school presentations.