Today was a busy day for all the boys and girls. They took to the stage in front of an extremely large number of family, friends and staff to perform the musical Goldilocks and the Three Bears which was followed by them singing some of their favourite songs. We then made our way down to a very damp field to commence our Sports Day. The weather didn’t dampen everyone’s spirits we had mummies, daddies, siblings, grandmas and grandas join us in our morning exercise routine. The races then got underway with all of the children being cheered on by their family and friend Cian who, due to injury, was unable to take part. We wish Cian a speedy recovery!
The parents races were a great success. Well done to everyone who took part. Now I know where the children get their competitiveness from. After a busy morning everyone made their way back to the Nursery for a very welcome cup of tea and a chat. I apologise about the lack of photos but I was too busy having fun with the children!