P4-P7 Return to School

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I wish to thank you for the dedication and commitment you have shown in following the programme of online learning provided over this past number of months. I am very aware of the emotional impact that home learning has had on many and the provision of such learning has had on staff. Hopefully we have reached the end of this arrangement and can progress towards a more normal future.

Following on from the announcement by the Education Minister, Peter Weir on Tuesday 16th March, I write to remind you of procedures and protocols for the return of all children to school on Monday 22nd March.

In relation to returning to school we must continue to observe guidelines to reduce the threat of any further outbreaks of the COVID-19 virus

School Day

Four drop-off and pick-up points will remain:

  1. Nursery car park for a Nursery child and older siblings
  2. Front on the school for Year 1& 2 children and older siblings
  3. Main school car park for Year 3 & 4 children and older siblings
  4. Ti Chulainn car park where children can enter school grounds at the green house entrance for year 5, 6 and 7 children.

We will be asking children to come into school between 8.45 am and 9.30 am. This should allow the children to filter into school.

Classes will operate in Social bubbles as far as possible. Dinners times will remain as normal but only those taking school dinners will eat in the Dining Hall, where pupils will be seated in their class bubbles. Normal procedures for Nursery dinners will remain, were Nursery pupils will be served dinner in their own Classroom.

Break times and lunchtimes will be arranged in a manner that will ensure that just members of that class are playing together in a Social Bubble in the playground, each class will be assigned a separate play area.

We will continue to insist that children wash their hands at key times in the school day – when they come in, at break-time, before lunchtime, after lunchtime and before home-time.

We will be working within the Social Distancing advised by the Education Authority.

Normal pick-up times will be maintained:

1.30 pm for Nursery

2 pm for P1- P3

3 pm for P4 – P7

 Pupils uniform, school bags and homework

Pupils can attend school in uniform or PE kit. They should not bring in school bags but can take in a pencil case which is to remain in school. Pupils cannot be sharing their equipment with others.  Pupils should bring in a packed lunch in a lunch box or bag and a water bottle.

Cash handling in school

Payments should be placed in a sealed envelope and submitted to the class teacher by your child.

Visitors/parents to the school

There will be no visitors/Parents permitted into the school until further notice.

School Dinners.

All payments should be made on the first day of the week. £2.50 for Nursery and £2.60 for all other children.

Afterschool clubs and activities

There will be no after-school activities or games until further notice.

After school supervision is available from 2- 4 pm for those who need to avail of this service. For Nursery children 1.30 to 2 pm £1

All others from 2 pm to 3 pm £3

 School buses

Will be running as normal.

Yours sincerely,

Peter McDonnell
