Return to Full Attendance

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are attempting to move to a position of full, 5 day attendance for all pupils from Monday 14th September 2020. From 24th August we have been working to establish routines which enable us to manage the safe movement of children into school, during specific times of the school day and the exit procedure for home times. All of our actions are underpinned by recommended safe distancing and hygiene practices. The school will be able to receive people from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. The points of entry and exit established for your children remain in place. Children in the primary school who have younger siblings in Nursery can go home at 1.30 pm facilitating one Pick up time for parents.

For the week beginning Monday 14th, we aim to have all children picked up from school by 2 pm except for those who travel home by school bus at 3:10 pm and those booked into our After School Group up to 4 pm. We need to know how we can cope with full attendance for a full week with the staff that we have available before moving to a 3:10 pm in the weeks ahead. Many of our staff are contractually employed to 2 pm and this challenges our ability to have reduced class numbers after this time. However our ability to manage class numbers in the new context of full attendance will be achieved in the near future. I would like to stress that the accommodation of your children for the full school day, if that is what you need for work, will be gladly facilitated.

Finally, I wish to sincerely thank you for your support, patience and understanding during this time when we have had to be extra cautious in making preparations to best keep us all safe.

P Mc Donnell
