Sports Day Reminder and Weather Update

A reminder that Sports Day is planned to take place tomorrow, Tuesday June 4th. The weather forecast, however, is not looking overly positive and it may be necessary for us to cancel and rearrange. We are still hopeful that it will take place tomorrow, but confirmation will be posted to the school website tomorrow morning, before 8.30am.

Whole School Sports Day, sponsored by McCreesh’s SPAR, is planned to take place on Tuesday, June 4th (weather permitting). This will be the first day back after the mid-term break. All children should wear a tracksuit / shorts and bring along a hat, sun cream and a bottle of water. In the interest of child protection, it is our school’s policy that photographs / videos should not be taken by parents using any mobile devices. Proceedings will begin at approximately 9.30am. In the event of inclement weather, a post will be made on the school website / social media pages early on Tuesday morning to notify parents if Sports Day has to be rearranged.

The P7 pupils will operate an ice–cream stand. If pupils wish to have an ice-cream, they can take in £1 and give it to their teacher when the roll is being taken on Tuesday morning. Any profit will go towards updating PE equipment. As well as the ice-cream stand for pupils, there will be a coffee station operated by “Brewney’s Coffee Trailer,” so parents and any other spectators will have the option of purchasing a tea or coffee from 10.30-11.30am. Please be aware that the coffee trailer will be cash only. There will also be a bucket collection for the, “Care for Caolan” campaign.

This year’s theme is “The Olympics.” Each class has been designated a country and pupils can wear something with the colour of their designated country on Sports Day if they wish. The list of classes & countries can be found below. We look forward to a day of fun as the end of the school year approaches.

Miss McDonnell’s Class – Ireland

Mrs McCann’s Class – Australia

Miss McCann’s Class – USA

Mrs Nolan’s Class – Germany

Mrs O’Hagan Class – Italy

Miss Toale’s Class – Brazil

Miss Murphy’s Class – India

Miss Hughes’ Class – Sweden

Miss McArdle’s Class – Canada

Mr McCoy’s Class – Hungary

Miss Mulkerns’ Class – Japan

Miss Crawley’s Class – China