We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school over the coming days. Each child/family should have been informed of the date for their child/children (P1-P7) to attend for their “Induction Morning”. These will run from 9am to 12 pm on the following dates either: Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th, Thursday 29th of August. Our Nursery Class and Learning Support Unit have their own arrangements in place. If for any reason you are unsure of the day your child/children should attend please contact the School Office. It would be most helpful if all information, i.e mobile or house phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contact numbers etc. were confirmed/updated with the Office.
Arrangements for Induction Days: Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th, Thursday 29th of August.
Your child will meet their teacher, see their classroom and become familiar with the routines for their class. We ask on these days (only), that all children use the Main Front Entrance for coming into and leaving school. A member of staff will be present at the door to assist your child to their class if needed.
Remember please bring a healthy snack for breaktime, there are no dinners or buses on these days.
Arrangements for Friday, 30th August:
On this day all pupils (P1-P7) will return to school with lessons beginning at 9am and finishing at 12pm. There will be no buses or dinners on this day. As there are no buses on this day, children can be collected at the following exit points:
Nursery – pupils can be collected from the Nursery door from 11:45am
P1 + P2 pupils along with their older siblings (P3 – P7) can be collected at Main Entrance Gate
P3 + P4 pupils along with their older siblings (P5 – P7) can be collected at Carpark Gate on Bog Road.
P5 – P7 pupils can be collected from Ti Chulainn Carpark on the Bog Road.
Class Teachers for 2024/25 are as follows:
Nursery Miss K Mc Donnell
P1 Mrs S Mc Cann
P1/2 Miss E Mc Cann
P2 Mrs K Nolan
P3 Mrs L O’ Hagan
P4- Miss N Murphy
P5a Miss K Mc Ardle
P5b Miss P Mulkerns
P6 Mr P Mc Coy
P6/7 Miss R Hughes
P6/7 Miss C Crawley
Learning Support Unit- Ms P Toale