We’re Feeling Poetic…


“Come Dine”- St Mary’s Style!!

The silvers polished, the linens pressed,

24 brave hosts poised for the culinary fest.

Coq au Vin?  Or Lamb Jalfrezi?

Our willing chefs are probably crazy !!


Rosie Garvey’s representing good old Amakane,

She thinks she’s a sure fire winner,

But that’s if she ever finds the time TO STOP TALKING

And cooks the flipping dinner!!!


Paula Quinn has plenty of guests,

And is sure to plate up a tasty fare,

However, the foods irrelevant,

It’s all about the dress and hair!!


Paula Byrne is taking a break from Nursery,

To provide her guests with, “Quality Nosh”,

Even though she hails from… Dromintee!!!!

For some reason she reckons she’s… “Quite Posh”.


Tracey Mc Keown says she’s not doing anything “fancy”,

Like that “Cordon Bleu”, or weird ” Fondue”

And it’s not really that surprising,

As she can just about throw together something resembling stew!


Lisa Ferris is sure to impress with her selection,

In her “Chateau” on the Bog Road,

But that’s not the only French Connection,

Her main, it’s rumored… is slow cooked toad!!


But alas, there seems to be a gender imbalance,

As Master Tierney is the only chef… who’s a fella!

That’s because if Nicola gives the cooker a chance,

The menu for her unsuspecting guests…. is likely Salmonella!


We also have two “potential” chefs in one Kitchen,

In the shape of Tina O’ Neill and Rosaleen Boyle,

Just stay off the vino during the cooking girls,

Or the dinner you are sure to spoil!!


Glenda Smyth has a wonderful menu,

With which are guests will surely be pleased,

As Anton, her husband has promised to help out,

By collecting the food from the local Chinese!!


To all our other parents and hosts,

Who have donated their homes and talents in any way,

We look forward to a wonder evening of craic, (and cooking),

With some sore heads and dodgy stomachs the following day!!

ALL we can say is… “Up Town Funk all the WAY!!!!”