🧪 Science Work from P7 🧪

This week classes across Northern Ireland have been marking “Science Week NI” and P7 thought they would take this opportunity to show you some of the Science work they have been involved in this year todate.

They started in the Autumn time by examining seeds and how they disperesed. This led to making their own spinners and trying out different shapes and designs to see which were the most effective.

From scrap materials, they designed and made their own push/pull toys and judged these on their durability, attractiveness and effectiveness.

They learned about the famous scientist Sir Issac Newton and gravity which led them to design and made their own parachutes which they tested using some small character figures.

Friction was next to investigate and they tested their toy cars against each another on slopes, then changed the material of the slopes and tested which caused least friction and allowed their cars to go further.

This term they have been learning about the human body and have made models of the lungs and heart, next they will be making models of bones!

All year they have been involved in the “Spring Bulb” project with the University of Wales. They planted crocus and daffodil bulbs in the Autumn term both in pots and in the ground. Each day they have been recording the rainfall and temperature and uploading the data to the University site. The University have shared the data collected from schools in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland showing the trends in rainfall and temperature over the months. This week P7 will be using the data in their Maths classes to predict when they think their bulbs will bloom! Watch this space for the first pictures.

Hope you enjoy all the pictures of our work,

Pupils of P7A and P7 B