April newsletter
Dear Parents,
Welcome back after the break I hope you had an enjoyable Easter. It is hard to believe that we are in our last term of Nursery.
Thank you so much for your support with our March fundraising efforts. We are overwhelmed with the total amount raised £3,211. This is absolutely fantastic and we intend to get the project started as soon as possible.
Our topic for this month is “Healthy Living”. We will be covering healthy eating, food origins and food from around the world. We will be discussing the importance of regular exercise and good personal hygiene. We are transforming our imaginative play area into a cooking area, were the children will get experience of cutting different foods to explore their taste, texture and smell. Friday the 20th of April will be “Fruity Friday” in the Nursery, children are invited to take in some fruit and we will make a huge sharing platter and offer sampling experiences for all. The children will also participate in daily yoga sessions to demonstrate self-calming strategies and breathing techniques. Our colour for April is Yellow.
On Thursday 12th April the Action Heroes program will visit the Nursery covering important areas of healthy lifestyles.
You are invited to a parent/child exercise session on Wednesday 18th of April at 11am. Local fitness instructor Shaundelle Marks, owner of Top Marks Fitness will host the fun event. Can you please let us know if you wish to attend.
We are delighted to announce that next Monday the 16th of April, we will be travelling to Finnegans Nursery centre to participate in their new schools initiative. We will be visiting once a month for the next three months to “Grow your own picnic”. To cover the cost of the bus and the experience we ask £5 per child for each visit. The experience will offer a wealth of learning opportunities both fun and educational.
The school photographer will return on the 26th April to take any individuals that were absent and the class photo.
We have been discussing four shapes – circle, square, triangle and rectangle. Please encourage your child to recognise these shapes in the environment.
The 22nd of June will be the Nursery Graduation Day. This is one of the highlights of the Nursery year. You are all invited to attend. This will be the last day of the Nursery.
Further closures are 7th May for the Bank holiday. 1st June – Nursery will be closed to facilitate an open day for next years intake. Whole school closed on 4th June for a staff development day.
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.