Excitement is building in Key Stage 2 as we prepare to welcome, past pupil Cormac Walsh and a group of 20 pupils and 6 staff, from his school in Barcelona, to St. Mary’s. They arrived yesterday evening and are staying in Ti Chulainn until Tuesday. Over the weekend there are a series of events organised for them and all St. Mary’s KS 2 pupils-(P5, P6 and P7), were given the opportunity to be involved in these events. So tonight for those pupils who chose the Disco Option, it is on in Mullaghbawn Community Hall (7pm – 9pm). Tomorrow for those who chose Option 2, a Drama Workshop will also be held in Mullaghbawn Community Hall(2pm – 5pm) and on Monday night Option 3, a movie night will be held in Ti Chulainn (7pm – 9pm). Remember boys and girls you can only attend the Option you chose as numbers are restricted for each event!
Everyone will get the chance to meet our visitors on Monday when they will spend the day in School, weather permitting we will be having sporting events, where our Spanish students will join our hurling classes and take part in Gaelic Football events. P5 – P7 can come to school in their PE uniform