Important Notice

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I wish to inform you that we have had 3 confirmed cases of Covid 19 amongst staff and pupils. We have been in direct contact with the Parents/Guardians of pupils in those classes involved, they are:

Miss N Murphy’s P1,

Miss E Mc Cann’s P1 and

Mrs K Nolan’s P2.

These classes are now closed and all children as direct contacts must self-isolate for the required period as outlined in PHA Letters which have been posted out.

In addition to the staff directly involved in these classes we have a number of staff self -isolating from across various positions within the school. This leaves our staffing capacity significantly depleted and we are finding it increasing impossible to find replacement staff, as a result our Nursery Class is also closed next week.

The school will remain open, however I would ask that you give serious consideration to the prospect of possibly having a child isolating over Christmas, if we continue to be affected at the current rate.

P Mc Donnell