We are looking for dancers, singers, musicians, comedians…. from all classes, for our first ever “St. Mary’s Got Talent, Show“! It promises to be a great afternoon of entertainment… indeed if early indications are anything to go by we will have to start at 9.10 am as soon as the morning bell rings, to fit in all the acts signed up!
It’s being organised by our Student Council who are busy, making posters, and signing up acts, from individuals, groups and classes. So any budding entertainers, if you haven’t already signed up, get in touch with your Student Council Representatives.
All those taking part please note, you have until Wednesday, to have your act polished and ready for performance. If you intend using a sound track, please speak to your teacher before Wednesday.
All classes are invited to watch, entrance is £1/pupil, with all money raised going towards school funds.