Strike Action

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you are probably aware from Media Reports a Teachers’ Strike has been called for the morning of Tuesday, 21st of February by the INTO- (The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation).   

Voting for strike action is never an easy choice but cuts to teachers’ pay and lack of funding for schools are causing a crisis in education.  

  1. In real terms the value of teachers’ pay has fallen by 20% since 2010. This has caused a knock-on crisis in the recruitment and retention of teachers. 
  2. There is a significant shortage of substitute teacher cover, especially in specific subjects, due to more teachers and school leaders leaving the profession than can be recruited to replace them.  
  3. Funding for schools has not kept pace with rising costs leading to cuts in vital services across the education sector. 

 This is not just about teachers’ pay; it is about the range and quality of services that can be offered to every Child in every Community when resources are stretched to breaking point.  

Therefore, on Tuesday, 21st February our teachers will be striking and school will not open until 12 noon.

Dinners will be provided, but kitchen staff will need to know in advance how many children they are catering for. Therefore, if you wish your child to avail of School Dinners on the 21st, you must let the Office know on Monday 20th.  A note was sent home to every family today with an attached reply slip which should be returned if you wish your child/children to avail of school dinners on the 21st. 

Thank you in advance for your support,