Last month we had a visit from Cormac Walsh and pupils from his Catalan School. It was a busy time with a Film Night, Disco Night and a Drama afternoon over the weekend but we know they really enjoyed themselves and their Principal has written a lovely letter to Mr. Mc Donnell thanking everyone for the hospitality and welcome they received at St. Mary’s and in Mullaghbawn.
On the Monday of their visit the sun shone and everyone in Key Stage 2 had a great day, as they joined our P5, 6 and 7 classes. Mr Mc Coy and Mr Hamill organised a Gaelic Football Tournament for both boys and girls and it didn’t take our Catalan friends long to get to grips with the rules…  They also had the opportunity to join with our P 6 and try out hurling. Everyone enjoyed their visit, making new friends and learning about each other’s culture, even trying out a bit of Spanish! Here are some pictures from the day spent in our school.