Just because we are not in school today does not mean you can’t celebrate World Book Day… check out www.worldbookday.com for lots of ideas and activities you can do!
Also check out this link to our World Book Day Quiz and answer sheet, complete and bring in to your teacher… or P6 / P7 pupils can you be the first to complete and upload to your Goggle Classroom ??? Prizes on offer!!!
World Book Day Quiz : (the power point presentation and sheet to record your answers on will download to your PC)
KS2 classes remember you can log into “Fiction Express” you were all given your login usernames and passwords. Our 5 week free subscription is due to run out this weekend, so make the most of the opportunity and catch up on the latest chapters, don’t forget to vote and use the message/blog facility to send messages to the authors. There are 100’s of books on there so enough to keep the most avid reader in books over these snow days!!