Keychain Krew Proceeds

With the P7 class departing the school earlier this week, this also signalled the conclusion of their Young Enterprise venture; Keychain Krew. Thanks to the support of our school community, as well as learning lots about the different aspects of running a successful business, the class also made a tasty profit too!

When all costs were deducted, there was in the region of £500 profit. The children decided against splitting the full profit amongst themselves. Instead, deciding to split £200 amongst the year group; receiving £5 each towards the cost of their recent school trip. The children then opted to give £100 back to school funds and also very generously donate £200 (+£50 Gift Aid) towards UNICEF’S drive to bring vaccines to the parts of the world, much less fortunate than ourselves here in Ireland, who are struggling to vaccinate their most vulnerable people and healthcare workers.

Amazingly, this donation will help to transport approximately 8,900 vaccines to countries such as Nepal; who our school shares a very special connection with, due to the Connecting Classrooms project with Jhapa Model English School in Damak.

Thanks again to our school community for enabling P7 to make this donation and play their part in helping the global fight against the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Please note that keychains ordered by pupils within classes who are currently isolating or pupils who will not be in school before the end of the school year, have been kept aside and will be given to them on their return to school in the new term.