KS2 classes are hoping to raise some money to purchase gifts from the St Vincent de Paul Christmas tree in St Mary’s Chapel. As well as bringing in some small change from their piggy banks at home, pupils have come up with some other initiatives.
The P7 year group are running a Christmas postal service for all classes within the school for the two weeks leading up to the holidays (Monday 10th December – Friday 21st December). They gave a presentation at assembly last Friday, which covered the key points below.
Children are invited to post all of their cards to classmates and/or those in other classes for the small total of £1, which will go to SVP. Post boxes and accompanying money boxes are placed throughout the school. There will be a post collection after registration and delivery after break each day. If children wish to avail of this service, they should label their envelopes with the first and second name and class of the child they are sending the card to before posting.
On Wednesday evening at the P5 Nativity in St Mary’s Chapel, there will also be a door collection for any loose change, with again all proceeds going to St Vincent de Paul.
KS2 classes wish to thank everyone in advance for helping a worthwhile charity at this difficult time of year for many people.